Thursday, April 5, 2007

BPS - Sticky

I sqeezed in some time as I was moving to my new home . . . now time for a beer

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Here's my piece of a girl in a sticky situation with a sticky monster.

Victor E Leon

Monday, April 2, 2007


I saw this photograph of a dead butterfly stuck on a spiderweb and thought it was really cool so I used it for this week's word.

Ink pen/photoshop


Sticky Present

Remember those arts and crafts projects that always left you sticky everywhere..I bet your mom still has your macaroni card somewhere :)


Subject For Next Week "Tranquility"
Due Monday April 9, 2007..Have Fun!

Sunday, April 1, 2007


i just happened to do this piece during the week and figured it'd work for the theme 'sticky'. the cuteness is devastating. after i did this i felt an urge to draw people stabbing each other to death, ( not shown. ) or worse. anyway this was a sketch drawn on the train, and then scanned/inked/colored in photoshop. i <3 photoshop :marries it:

Off The Hook-Sticky

...and then there was color

This week's bathroom humor was brought to you by that piece of toilet paper that
to always gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe.